Wild Lions secure their highest finish at On The Rocks

We are proud of everyone who played for Wild Lions this weekend at on the rocks and even going into Sunday a player down due to injery, Our players stuck to the game plan and secured 6th spot by grinding out a 1 – 0 win in the last league game againt Lycans. This lifted us to 6th spot and a game vs Angels in the 5th vs 6th final.

Unfortunately due to the everyone giving everything all weekend this game againt Angels finished 6 – 0 to Angels, as everyone was out of energy but we take nothing away from the achievement of everyone who played for Wild Lions this weekend.

Maddy was solid inbetween the pipes all weekend and gave amazing guidence to everyone all weekend and kept a shutout in our last league game but was also close to another one againt Angels.

Our last minute replacement Grace (who stepped in for Caz who could not make the weekend) was again amazing with everyone giving them advice when on the benches and on the rink. Grace had an amazing attitude all weekend and put an amazing effort in never giving up on any play.

Fiona was as ever the life and soul of the team on the rink giving everyone encouragement and laughter especially the moment she feel over inbetween play after a cheeky move that was not seen by the refs. 🤣🤣 Finona also got 2 goals this tournament and in her own words she never scores.

Nicola was again positive in every situation and giving advice to everyone, she gave everything when on the rink as was unlucky not to get a goal but she did not stop trying all weekend even when things did not quite go her way.

Claire grew into the tournament and as this was only the 2nd time of playing in a competitive games she was showing a massive improvement and got stuck in chasing back and looking for breakaways.

Sammy pushed her self on again this year making some important blocks and tackles throughout the weekend. As the tournament went on found her feet and starting to carry the Puck forward and pressed in the opposition half.

Danny M (Coach Danny) Gave everything again for the team and even though she found herself having to play in defence after losing a player Danny kept her shape at the back and even got a goal in our 2 – 2 game on the Saturday.

Greta was her usual bubbly self when on and off the rink and another player taking part in on the Rocks for the 1st time, but showed improvement through each game she played in giving 100% each shift.

Danny T unfortunately had her tournament cut short due to an injery picked up in the 3rd game but Danny was just starting to get into the swing of things holding the Puck up at the boards and using her strength to win the puck. This was also her 1st tournament as a player. We wish Danny a speedy recovery and hope to she her back at training soon.

We would like to thank all the players who took part in the tournament for Wild Lions, as well as everyone who came down and supported the team.

We would like to thank all the teams we played against for their support and the kind words exchanged after each game on how much this team had improved over the last 3 tournaments.

A massive thank you to everyone who helped organise this year’s On The Rocks as we know it was a hard one to take on but everyone loved every minute of it, and it was great to see so many female players taking part in the sport. Let’s hope this helps the female side of the sport grow in the UK.

Lastly Congratulations to the winners of the tournament Devils who beat Weelers in the 1 vs 2 Final but most of all we love how close the league was this year from top to bottom as goal difference definitely played a big part in 2023.

If you would like to take up online hockey if you are in the Manchester area or even if you are not then send us a message via our contact us page on how to join our training session or to find our who your closest team is.

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