Senior Monday training & C League Jersey update

Due to holidays we are short of senior players attending this Monday night training so we have called it off. We will refund anyone who has paid and be in contact shortly. We are looking to hold a Thursday night session if we can get enough down this week we will not be posting the event on our page but if you would like to attend please let us know before Tuesday midday as this will be when the decision will be made if we are holding the session or not and then post the event for payment. If it is not on we should be back to normal next week once the holidays are over.

We have been asked by players looking to play in the BRHA West C league on what jersey to get. We have decided the black jerseys will be the best ones to order as this team is part made up of Wild Lions players and new players to Lions. With this the Wild Lions main jersey is Black so it makes sense for players to buy the senior Lions Black jersey if they are not apart of the Wild Lions team.

We will also be dropping an email to everyone who has registered interest in playing for Lions this season on what the plan is going forward with all the teams and payments.

info #NewSeason #NewStart #GetReady #InlineHockey

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