Let’s grow Inline Hockey awareness in Manchester

In 2019 Inline Hockey was a growing sport where Manchester had it’s own junior leagues with each age group having atleast 6 teams taking part.

Fast-forward to 2023 and we no longer have a junior league and most of the junior teams no longer exist. Alot of this is to do with the lockdown the UK in 2020/2021 and as the country was allowing sports to be played again, Roller Hockey was one of the sports that were kept from playing because of being an indoor sport.

Due to this children who were playing hockey before lockdown went to play other sports. When the government lifted the band on the Inline Hockey we found alot of children did not come back.

Since then we have been working in the background to try and get more children playing the sport and hosted a few mini junior tournaments.

Lions are now looking at getting as many children as it can trying the sport as we can.

Today we are happy to announce that we are going to be offering the 1st two training sessions are free for all junior players. (events will show this by tomorrow morning)

We are also looking for Children aged 4 to 16 to join us for the 2023/24 season where we will be entering the BRHA West League at all the age groups between 4 and 16.

If you would like anymore information please drop us a message via our Contact us page.

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