Last weeks Wild Lions Player Cam (Ellis) video

In this week’s Wild Lions Women’s inline Hockey Training Oliver took the coaching spot and James went in goal.

The two coaches worked on shooting by getting the payers to look for gaps that keepers leave when moving and looking to lift the puck just over the leg pads and in between the blocker and catcher.

As is the school holidays Ellis joined the session again this week and wanted the camera to show his shooting on Daddy (Coach James) The drills were as follows:

00:00 – Intro & free play

03:09 – 1,2,3 players shooting

09:25 – Passing and shooting

16:53 – Free Play

21:31 – Skating fast on goal receiving a pass and looking up at the keeper and shooting on goal

33:20 – Free Play

39:52 – Fight for the puck until the coach shouts shoot on goal. Starts off 1vs 1 then 2 vs 2

46:55 Free Play

53:10 – Figure of 8 with the puck make a pass to the coach and continue skating receive a pass and skate down the rink looking for a spot to score on the keeper

01:01:33 – Free Play

01:04:44 – Standing shooting on goal

01:17:20 – Ellis falls over at the end of the session but then talks into the camera to show he is ok.

01:17:54 – Outro

If you would like to join one of our WIld Lions Training sessions see our Website for more information and to book it.

Your 1st session is free and no experience or equipment is required as we can provide all the basic tools and teach you the basic skills to grasp the sport.

Our Training sessions are on Monday 7:30pm (Doors open 7:10pm) until 9pm at Ardwick Sports Centre M12 4DY

#inlinehockey #hockey #woman #womansports #sports #getfit #getactive

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